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Christian Financial Blog

Alajahwon Ridgeway
7 min read
The Upper Hand Christian Financial Plan
Money is not the root of all evil and is actually the key to becoming a good Christian. Jesus sought out and forgave the sinners but...

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
Faith-Driven Financial Wisdom: Transforming Lives through Faith and Finance
Introduction: Welcome back, I'm A.B. Ridgeway, known as Mr. Christian Finance, the host of "Financial Advisors Say The Darndest Things"...

Alajahwon Ridgeway
4 min read
Embracing Financial Challenges with Cary Carbonaro, CFP®️
Welcome back to the show! In this episode, we delve into the importance of maintaining a long-term perspective in finance and how women...

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
How To Become A Millionaire With A Low Income from a Christian Perspective
Introduction: In this episode of "Financial Advisors Say the Darndest Things," host AB Ridgeway delves into the myth that millionaires...

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
Patrick Bet-David (PBD) Discusses The Dangers of Buy Now Pay Later Programs"
Introduction: Americans have reached the $1 trillion mark in debt. In this episode of Financial Advisors, say the darndest things, AB...

Alajahwon Ridgeway
4 min read
Bill Clinton's HUSH MONEY to Paula Jones allegation resurface during Trump's Trial
In the latest episode of our thought-provoking podcast, we tackle the controversial topic of hush money within the realm of American...

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
Two Teen Boaters Face Felony Charges After Their Video Goes Viral
Two teen boaters who are facing felony charges for pollution after they were caught on video dumping trash into the Atlantic Ocean.

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
Dave Ramsey Caller Asks If He Should LEAVE His Girlfriend After Getting Rich?
If you get rich, is it okay to leave your partner? Love, money, and trust after divorce is hard to navigate. Listen in to hear our response.

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
Benny Johnson EXPOSES the Truth Behind Candace Owens and the Daily Wire Gag Order
Benny Johnson exposes the real reason that Candace Owens and the Daily Wire are no longer in a partnership. Listen to find out what happened

Alajahwon Ridgeway
2 min read
Candace Owens is issued a GAG order by Ben Shapiro and the Daily Wire Over Debate
Candace Owens is issued a gag order by Ben Shapiro and Daily Wire over the potential debate. We discuss why they are scared.

Alajahwon Ridgeway
2 min read
Christianity Lite- Are We Practicing A Watered-Down Gospel?
We discuss why some Christians gravitate towards a diluted version of Christianity, seeking comfort and convenience over a true life in God

Alajahwon Ridgeway
3 min read
Suze Orman Calls 4% Rule DANGEROUS for Retirement
Suze Orman says the 4% rule for retirement is dangerous and investors should reconsider this number in these economic times.

Alajahwon Ridgeway
2 min read
Is the NEW Costco Food Court Rule for Non-Members too STRICT?
No more cheap lunch. For non-members that is. Costco releases new strict rules around its famously cheap food court items.

Alajahwon Ridgeway
8 min read
Finding A CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™️ For Busy Christian Business Executives featuring Nic Nielsen, CFP®️
You can do anything you put your mind to. But unfortunately, finances is not one of your strengths. You are a business executives and...

A.B. Ridgeway
11 min read
Christ is Risen! The Resurrection of Jesus Christ According to the Book of Luke
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. Join A.B. Ridgeway as he reads it for you.

A.B. Ridgeway
4 min read
The Bible Debunks 4 Lies Christians Tell Ourselves About Investing
We go over 4 lies you were told about investing. Poverty is not piety. A lack of money is not the only way to worship God.

A.B. Ridgeway
4 min read
How To Protect Your Retirement When You Quit
By just taking a few extra steps to as you enjoy your retirement or find a new job that fits you, you can help protect your money.

A.B. Ridgeway
3 min read
Tithing: Passing on the gift of giving
Are you preparing your estate? Do you have all of your assets with the proper titling? Are you planning on passing on more than your money?

A.B. Ridgeway
4 min read
Is It More Challenging to Follow the Phrase "Judge Not Lest Ye Be Judged" in Today's Society?
Do you suffer from insecurity? Do you feel that maybe you got the short end of the stick when it comes to financial well-being?

A.B. Ridgeway
4 min read
Tithing in Secret: How to give according to the Bible
Are you struggling with your new found wealth? Are you confused if you should tell the world how wonderful God has been to you financially?
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