Fandango Founder Found Dead
It looks like a 64-year-old man jumped to his death from a luxury New York hotel. It's being reported that on Tuesday, a man plunged from room 28 on the 20th floor of the Kimberly Hotel on East 50th Street near Lexington Avenue in New York and landed on the third-floor courtyard.
He was pronounced dead by the responding EMS workers around 10:00 a.m., and the NYPD responded to the scene around 10:20 a.m. And you won’t believe who it is.
In this episode, we are going to discuss how money only solves money problems, the duality of physical and spiritual needs, and how sometimes God blesses us with wealth, but He may also curse us with it.
As a Certified Private Wealth Advisor professional with over a decade of experience, it is very important for me to help clients understand that money is simply a tool.
It is through financial planning that we actually gain confidence and mastery over money.
Ever since we were children, we always felt that money was elusive.
In our society, we are always told that money was one of the most important things. And I'm not saying that society just came out and said it, but it’s by their actions.
The Mindset Around Money
I heard something really good:
"Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people."
How quickly things change and how people like to put their own spin on things! Now one of the popular sayings is:
"Small minds value money, average minds value education and degrees, and great minds value ideas."
And how that correlates to money is up to you.
Most of these quotes online suggest that if you think a certain way, you're going to be wealthy, and if you don't think that way, you're not going to be wealthy, or you're going to be rich overnight.
If I've said something like that in the past, I apologize because I don't think that I have.
But if I have, the Internet is undefeated, and I'm sure somebody would find it.
As it stands today, I don't really care for those types of ideas.
God punishes and rewards who He wishes.
So regardless of your mindset, or let me say, in spite of your mindset, God is going to do as He pleases.
Major News: Who Was the 64-Year-Old Man?
Before we continue with our topics today, let me reveal who was that 64-year-old man who jumped from the New York luxury suite.
He was identified as Fandango founder J. Michael Klein.
This man was a serial entrepreneur, a father of six with a home in Greenwich, Connecticut.
He reportedly left a suicide note, though the content of that note has not been released.
This news comes as a shock, especially since just days earlier, he had gallbladder surgery.
Why are we discussing the passing of this man, and what does this have to do with money?
It turns out he owned multi-million dollar houses in the Hamptons and Palm Beach, Florida, including a lakefront abode he bought with his wife for $20.75 million in December of 2020.
And that no matter how much success or money he had, he still did what he did.
Beyond Financial Success
Even though he founded Fandango, a movie review company, Klein had parted ways with them. During the pandemic, the movie industry pretty much collapsed, losing 20-40%.
He was also very well-educated, graduating from Cornell University and getting his MBA from Harvard University.
He was described as a serial entrepreneur who inspired students to dream big and work with people they trust.
He was also the chairman of the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, where he was behind preservation work for animals around the globe.
He founded several tech and business firms, including a tech solution firm, 1RCM, and a small business insurance firm, Insureon, as well as the education solutions company Everspring.
Klein was married to his wife for nearly 30 years!
Whew, what a resume!
The Crux: Money Only Solves Money Problems
This man supposedly had it all.
The money, the prestige, the education, the wife, the kids.
Everything that you would assume makes a great life.
But come to find out, that wasn’t enough.
This story is as old as Job, who had all the children, land, animals, wealth, and health.
But one thing we are challenged to examine in that story is our spirituality, our faith in God, and how much we truly love Him. It's only when you strip away all of that physical wealth that you can examine all the spiritual wealth that you truly do have.
This proves that society's standards for wealth are far out of reach. There's always one more dollar to make, one more car to buy, one more house, one more business. It's not satiating.
This man seemed like he wasn't content with something, though we may never know what it was. We are just beginning to understand the huge impact our mentality has on the world and how we see it.
Mental and Spiritual Health
Once again, money only solves money problems.
If you're having a tough time in your marriage, money is not going to save that. If you're battling with depression and anxiety, more money is not going to solve that.
If you're feeling a spiritual disconnect between yourself and God, money is not going to solve that. We can tell ourselves these lies all we want—that if we have more money, we wouldn't be stressed about our household, our children, or our jobs.
But as this death has shown us, and many other celebrity deaths in the past have shown, money only solves money problems. For example, let's say you want a $400,000 house. This beautiful home has sunlight pouring in during the afternoons.
It's in a beautiful neighborhood on two or three acres of land.
Well, God blesses you with $400,000 to pay that house off.
Now what are you going to do when the grass needs to get cut? When you have HOA fees, when property taxes go up, when flood insurance goes up?
The Weight of Wealth
It is shocking to realize the burden that wealth can bring.
Let's dig deeper.
If you get more money, now what are you going to do when you become a target?
What are you going to do when people start to follow you from the supermarket to see where you live?
What are you going to do when your family realizes you live in such a huge house and they begin to borrow money from you?
Again, money only solves money problems.
But things like depression, anxiety, and stress don't go away.
They only shift.
Think about 20 years ago. What were you stressed about?
Your priorities change, so do your stressors. But stress in and of itself stays the same. Acquiring new possessions or changing the things that we do in our lives does not separate us from our emotions.
The Duality of Needs
Understanding this, brothers and sisters: Money only solves money problems.
If you're having a tough time in your marriage, money is not going to save that.
If you're battling depression or anxiety, more money is not going to solve that.
If you're feeling a spiritual disconnect between yourself and God, money is not going to solve that.
We can tell ourselves these lies all we want—that if we have more money, we wouldn't be stressed out about our household, children, or jobs.
God's Role in Our Lives
One thing I've learned about God in my nearly 40 years of life is that sometimes, God will punish you with wealth and reward you by holding it from you. Too many times we are consumed with what God puts into our lives, but we focus less on what God takes out of our lives or avoids us from experiencing.
One of my favorite lines is,
"If you give an alcoholic $5, he drinks for a day. If you give him $5,000, he may drink himself to death."
A man living in poverty, unable to even afford a drink, may be saving his life. But God is the master planner.
The mysteries of His planning cannot be understood by us mere mortals. Looking back on many instances in your life, you can probably recall a time that seemed horrible, only to realize later that God was doing what was best for you.
You came out a better person, your life took a better turn, your spirituality grew, and the things and people in your life became better than they were before.
Wealth as a Test
Honestly, I believe that when God blesses us with a lot of wealth, He wants to know if we are going to be good stewards and pass it on and do the right things.
And when God takes money away from us, I believe He is teaching us patience and to focus on Him, just as He did with Job. Both are tests: when God gives you money, it’s a test, and when God takes money away from you, it's a test. So be patient in everything.
When you have money, don't become arrogant, and when you don’t have money, don't become impatient. This leads me to my last point about the duality between physical and spiritual needs. We cannot deprive ourselves of our spiritual needs. It is typically the unseen that drives the seen.
Focus on Spiritual Health
The words you are hearing now are physical words, but they've come from an unseen place. How you feel about your neighbor, how you pray, how you worship—all come from an unseen place. Until you focus on the spirituality, there's always going to be a distortion in your reality.
The richest people in the world, who are billionaires and trillionaires, are not thinking about money. They're thinking about non-tangible assets such as power, respect, position, and control.
Because with money, you can only impact so much. For instance, Jeff Bezos cannot walk into Russia and do what he wants.
He doesn't have the power.
Guess who has the power?
Putin has the power.
No matter how much money Elon Musk has, when Governor Gavin Newsom passes certain laws and raises certain taxes, there's nothing Elon Musk can do except for move out.
More Than Money
Understand this: there are things you can do, and there are things that happen to you.
You can pay someone to give you a massage if you’re stressed out, but there isn’t enough money in the world to stop everyone from stressing you out.
You can pay to go on vacation to relieve some anxiety, but there is no amount of money that can help you overcome grief.
That is something money cannot buy.
You cannot buy peace of mind, understanding, patience, discipline, fortitude, love, or compassion. If you’re lacking in any of these areas, money will not solve these problems, because money only solves money problems.
Profiting Without Losing Your Soul
It says in Mark 8:36:
"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?"
Many Christians interpret this to mean that there is no profit in gaining all the wealth and not making it into paradise.
But with the infinite wisdom of God, there are many ways that scripture can affect you.
I think of a man that’s tormented, not just in the afterlife, but in this lifetime.
I think of J. Michael Klein, Whitney Houston, and Michael Jackson—individuals who appeared to be living in a heavenly state on the outside but were tormented inside.
Even though they had all the money in the world, they lacked peace and understanding–and only focusing on God can bring these things.
A Call To Reflect
This doesn’t mean that if you don’t feel these things, you’re not connected to God. God will test you. It’s going to be hard, and it’s going to be difficult. There’s a difference between being tested and being tormented. Let me ask you, brothers and sisters:
Would you exchange the greater for the lesser?
Would you exchange the pursuit of money, a physical thing, for your spirituality?
No one can judge your spirituality.
That is between you and God.
As you are creating your financial plans, I want you to understand that the more active you are, the more control over money you will have.
You have the strength to tell money where to go instead of money telling you where to go. You’ll learn how to bring money into reality because how you use money is a manifestation of the unseen and your intentions.
Final Thoughts
As you sit down with your pen and paper and write down some of your goals, I want you to pray and focus on God.
Make sure the things you’re working for are going to solve your problems for God’s glory. Because, in the end, money only solves money problems.
If you’ve enjoyed this episode, make sure you check out episode number 296: "Kobe Bryant's Dad: Discussing the Importance of Wills and Beneficiaries," where we break down how to prepare for death.
We cannot control when we die, but we can control what happens with our money after we die. In that episode, I go over the importance of beneficiaries, contingent beneficiaries, and knowing where all your assets are so your family can access them. Because if you don’t know where your money is, your kids and your spouse have no chance.
High-Level Success and Mental Health: The Fandango Founder’s Heartbreaking Story Podcast Summary
AB Ridgeway discusses the tragic story of J. Michael Klein, the 64-year-old founder of Fandango, who recently committed suicide. Ridgeway uses this event as a springboard to delve into deeper discussions about the limitations of wealth, the duality of physical and spiritual needs, and how God's blessings and curses can come in the form of financial abundance or scarcity. Ridgeway reminds listeners that while money can solve financial problems, it cannot address deeper emotional, psychological, or spiritual issues.
Key Takeaways
Money Only Solves Money Problems:
Wealth can provide comfort and security, but it cannot heal emotional wounds or fill spiritual voids. J. Michael Klein's story illustrates that even immense wealth and success do not guarantee happiness or mental well-being.
Financial stability can alleviate stress related to bills and living conditions, but it does not solve deeper issues such as relationship problems or personal dissatisfaction.
True contentment and peace come from a balanced life that includes spiritual health and meaningful relationships, not just financial wealth.
The Duality of Physical and Spiritual Needs:
Ridgeway emphasizes that while it is important to manage and plan for financial security, it is equally crucial to nurture one's spiritual and emotional health.
The story of Job from the Bible serves as a reminder that material wealth can be taken away, but spiritual strength and faith in God can provide true resilience and purpose.
Balancing material and spiritual pursuits can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life, beyond the mere accumulation of wealth.
God’s Role in Wealth and Poverty:
Ridgeway discusses how God can bless individuals with wealth or choose to withhold it as a form of protection or blessing. Wealth can be a test or a burden just as much as it can be a gift.
It is important to seek God’s guidance in financial matters and recognize that His plans may involve periods of both abundance and scarcity for greater purposes.
Understanding and accepting God's will in one's financial journey can lead to a more peaceful and contented life, regardless of one's material circumstances.
The Importance of Financial Wisdom and Contentment:
Financial wisdom involves not just accumulating wealth but also managing it responsibly and understanding its limitations.
Contentment comes from appreciating what one has and recognizing the true value of non-material blessings, such as health, family, and faith.
Pursuing wealth without wisdom and contentment can lead to a hollow and unfulfilled life.
The Dangers of Valuing Wealth Above All Else:
Society often promotes the idea that wealth equates to success and happiness, but this is a flawed and dangerous mindset.
Valuing wealth above all else can lead to neglect of important aspects of life, such as personal relationships, health, and spiritual well-being.
True success is measured by a well-rounded life that includes financial stability, personal happiness, and spiritual fulfillment.
"Money only solves money problems. If you're having a tough time in your marriage, money is not going to save that."
"God punishes and God rewards who He wishes. Regardless of your mindset, God is going to do as He pleases."
"True contentment and peace come from a balanced life that includes spiritual health and meaningful relationships, not just financial wealth."
If you’re subscribed, I want to say thank you. If you’re not subscribed, I hope that through this episode, I have earned your subscription. If you liked this episode, please comment, share, and like. They’re all free.
Well, my name is A.B. Ridgeway, and I’ll see you on the other side of your blessing.
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Meet A.B. Ridgeway:

A.B. Ridgeway, MBA, CPWA®️ (info@abrwealthmanagement.com) is the owner and Christian Financial Advisor with A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management. With a decade in the finance industry, his goal is to give believers clarity around the most confusing topic in the Bible, money, and tithing. A.B. Ridgeway helps tithing Christians become cheerful givers but unlocking their money-making potential, so they can prosper and be the great stewards of the wealth God has entrusted them with.
*Disclaimer: This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.