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What Did Jesus Teach About Money?

Writer's picture: A.B. RidgewayA.B. Ridgeway

Updated: Nov 30, 2023


Matthew Chapter 12:1-14


Can you do the right thing even when it is wrong? In this scripture, Jesus gives a solid, yes! One thing I love about Jesus is that he rarely answers a question directly. In school we were taught, never to answer a question WITH a question, we were taught that it was rude. But as we see in the scripture, Jesus doesn’t allow the Pharisees to just ask anything without getting clarity.

I’m going to paraphrase here but “Hey! Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?” Jesus and his disciples were gathering grain, “working” and Jesus decides to heal a man with a shriveled-up hand. You know just a normal day being the son of God, nothing major. And instead of getting upset, Jesus asked them, "Well, being the Pharisees I’m sure you know that King David did the same thing on the Sabbath. Oh! and you should know that even if a priest does the same thing, we still consider him innocent."

So, he is pointing out the hypocrisy in the question like “So.... it is okay for them, but not for me?” And he goes on to ask “Okay…y’all say I shouldn’t heal this man because it is working on the Sabbath, but let me ask you, if one of your sheep falls into a pit, are you going to just leave it there and not work to get it out because it is the Sabbath? “Okay then…that's what I now, don’t you think a man is more valuable than a sheep? So, if you are willing to help a sheep, I should be able to heal a man? Let me make it plain “It is lawful to do good on the Sabbath”

When it comes to our finances, sometimes the most practical way is not the best way to do things. When it comes to managing our debt, we have a couple of ways to reduce credit card debt. Either by paying the least amount of interest over time or eliminating the most lines of credit as soon as possible. The former is preferred, mathematically. You pay the card with the highest interest rate, regardless of the balance, and boom, you pay less interest.

But sometimes we need that small win. Paying that Brooks Brother’s credit card with a $2,000 balance and a 2% interest rate may not be the smartest thing to do, when you have a $20,000 balance and paying an 18% interest rate. But that small win of getting that Brooks Brother credit card off of your shoulders may be a moral victory. Therefore, even though mathematically it is wrong, it is still right.

So today, I want you see your finances as Jesus so the law, there is the right way, and then there is the right way for you.

Prayer: Lord, I pray that I will seek the greatest good in all situations. I will not allow how things should be done affect how they will be done by me. I seek your guidance and pray you give me discernment during my times of need.


Thank you for reading!

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About the blog:

Many Christians struggle with the seemingly conflicting views about our faith and the pursuit of financial gain. They were taught that poverty was piety and that a lack of money was the only way to truly detach themselves from the love of money. Our blog debunks some of those claims, teaches you that you can be rich and righteous, and at the same time fulfill your obligation to tithe and give to the less fortunate. We are dedicated to helping you become cheerful givers by organizing your personal finances, providing investment tips to help you create wealth, and encouraging you to create a gifting strategy that will make your family and God proud.

Meet the Author:

A.B. Ridgeway, MBA ( is the owner and Christian Financial Advisor with A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management. With a decade in the finance industry, his goal is to give believers clarity around the most confusing topic in the Bible, money, and tithing. A.B. Ridgeway helps tithing Christians become cheerful givers but unlocking their money-making potential, so they can prosper and be the great stewards of the wealth God has entrusted them with.

This communication is not intended as an offer or solicitation to buy, hold or sell any financial instrument or investment advisory services. Any information provided has been obtained from sources considered reliable, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or the completeness of any description of securities, markets or developments mentioned. This is strictly for information purposes. We recommend you speak with a professional financial advisor.


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This material should not be construed as a recommendation, offer to sell, or solicitation of an offer to buy a particular security or investment strategy. The information provided is for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for accounting, legal, or tax advice. While the information is deemed reliable, A.B. Ridgeway Wealth Management cannot guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose, and makes no warranties with regard to the results to be obtained from its use.

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